I did a bit of calculating today just for fun....
My baby, River, was born 307 days ago.
Over those last 307 days I breastfeed him an average of 7 times a day.
At 30 minutes approximately each feeding.
This comes to approximately 1,075 hours of nursing.
If I produce an average of 5 ounces per feeding...
this would mean I have produced approximately 10,745 ounces of milk in the last 307 days.
The formula that I have on hand costs $23.09 for 23.2 oz container. This container makes approximately 170 fluid ounces of formula...this breaks down to $0.14 per fluid ounce.
If you take 10,745 approximate fluid ounces of breastmilk I have produced times the $0.14 that formula costs....that means I have saved approximately $1,459.42 so far!
Now...all you breastfeeding moms out there....another thing for us to receive our
"World's Greatest Mom" award! (by the way...I am going to have to call them and check on my award...it seems to have been lost in the mail)
Hmmm...so, if I've been nursing at least one child at a time for the last 5 years (minus 4 weeks until my oldest turns 5), then I can safely say that I've saved more money than I will probably make in my entire lifetime?!? Sweet! :)
ReplyDeleteOk Lynnette..your 5 years intrigued me to do your calculations...so here goes:
ReplyDelete365 days per yr x 5 yrs = 1825 days of nursing
7 times per day x 1825 days = 12,775 times nursed
12,775 times nursed x 30 min each = 383,250 minutes of breastfeeding OR 6387.5 hours
avg 5 oz each time x 12,775 times = 63,875 oz produced
$.14 per fluid oz for formula x 63,875 oz produced = $8,942.50 saved!
This is great, Janelle! I really love nursing - the $$ savings is the icing on the cake. It's a way to slow down, take a break and cuddle with the little one. That is, unless little one is clinging on for dear life while I have to suddenly get up and chase an older brother, in which case it isn't so serene.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you commented on my blog today because I didn't know you had a blog! Yay! You're doing a great job - I've subscribed!
Wow you have a lot of time on your hands!! ha! kidding!! That is a lot of money you have saved around $150 per month. I did a little calculation too!!