Wednesday, March 3, 2010

National Help a Pregnant Lady Day

Did you know that March 3rd is National Help a Pregnant Lady Day? What??? You didn't? No way...I mean...this holiday has been around for eons....a week! You see...Amanda has a friend that thought it would be nice to start this holiday....and so Amanda and us other bloggers have decided to declare that March 3rd is unofficially officially National Help a Pregnant Lady Day. I mean...there is a Facebook page for it and everything...yes because if there is a Facebook page for the event, it MUST be a real holiday! Right?! Well, we think it is worth adding to the calendar anyways!

Even though I am the one who created the Facebook page for this event, and have been anticipating it for several days now...I will admit that amongst the hussle and bussle of my day...I forgot until about 3:00 this afternoon! So I promptly got on the phone to find out what my friend Alicia was up to for the evening. At first I was just going to purchase her a certificate for a 1 hour pre-natal massage at the spa. I did do that, but the evening turned into more than just a quick drop-off of a gift. When I found out that she was going to look at a house, I offered to go with her and help out with her 3 year old son Keaton. It was fun to go through the house together, and always good to have a friend handy for an alternate view of the good and bad of a future home. Then I went to her house and hung out for a while and played cars and trains with her little boy. Then we had conversation about baby names, she would like another boy name that starts with "K". But they also like the name Marshall. Anybody have some more name ideas? We then somehow snuck out of the home to go out to dinner. With NO husbands and NO kids! Truly a miracle! It was nice to have some much needed girl time to just chat about life. So glad that I was able to catch her with no plans and spend an evening devoted to our friendship.

Thank you Amanda for creating this amazing, long needed, event! We know pregnancy is a beautiful blessing for God, but can also be an exhausting trying time on mommy's body! To be able to reach out to help a girlfriend who is pregnant is such a special thing! If you didn't get a chance to participate on March 3rd, I am sure your friends would love the unexpected gift of love ANY time ANY day of the week!


  1. And thank YOU sweet girl for all your efforts and contributions... you made a big difference in someones life (like mine!! THANK YOU for the Fb page!) and you are just an all around blessing to everyone!!

    Love your heart...


  2. What a great idea! I just became a fan on fb!

  3. i love ur thoughts, enjoy ur day
    visit ma blog too
    i love God
